Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Parabola

Math with Bad Drawings

with sincere apologies to Wallace Stevens,
and to all poets, everywhere


All my life
I had known only lines
so when my teacher
drew a parabola
I said,



I took all the numbers,
and squared them.
The big ones grew.
The little ones shrank.
The negative ones
became positive.
Opposites agreed.
It was kinda cool.




I watched an object falling,
tracing its arc,
the ink of time leaving curves
on the paper of space—
a perfect parabola.
(Except for air resistance.)


View original post 276 more words


“A rigid non-removable magnetic disk with a large data storage capacity.”

There are several different types of hard drives for storing software and data files: hard disk drives, solid-state drives and external drives. Learn about how they work and how to select the right drive for a particular computer system.




You may have experienced this scenario: you turn on your computer and you get a black screen with the message ‘Imminent Hard Disk Failure’. Or you’ve dropped your laptop on the floor, your screen goes black and your computer won’t turn back on again. More often than not the problem is your hard drive. If your hard drive has crashed, you may have lost all your documents, photos, music, etc. It can be one of the more frustrating experiences for any computer user. Read on to learn how your hard drive works, and some simple steps you can take to avoid losing all your files if it crashes.


There are two general types of hard drives:


  1. hard disk drives

    (HDD):,which use one or more rotating discs and rely on magnetic storage, and


  1. Solid-state drives

    (SDD):, which have no moving mechanical parts but use flash memory like the kind found in USB flash drives.



Hard disk drives (HDD):

Hard disk drives have been the dominant type of storage since the early days of computers. A hard disk drive consists of a rigid disc made with non-magnetic material which is coated with a thin layer of magnetic material. Data is stored by magnetizing this thin film. The disk spins at high speed and a magnetic head mounted on a moving arm is used to read and write data. A typical hard disk drive operates at a speed of 7,200 rpm (rotations per minute), so you will often see this number as part of the technical specifications of a computer. The spinning of the disk is also the source of the humming noise of a computer, although most modern hard disk drives are fairly quiet.


 In general, hard disk drives are very robust and can be used for many years without problems. However, hard disk drives can fail and one of the most common reasons is a head crash. This occurs when the magnetic head scratches the magnetic film. This typically happens as a result of a physical shock, like dropping a computer while it is on. When your hard drives experiences mechanical failure you can often hear a grinding or scratching sound. Such as crash results in data loss since the magnetic film gets damaged. It is therefore always a good idea to have a backup copy of the important files on your hard drive.


Solid-state drives (SDD):

Solid-state drives (SDD) are a relatively new alternative to more traditional hard disk drives. Solid-state drives do not have moving parts, and data is stored electrically instead of magnetically. Most solid-state drives use flash memory, which is also used in memory cards for digital cameras and USB flash drives. Since there are no moving parts, solid-state drives are much less vulnerable to damage from physical shock. The major downside of solid-state drives is that they are a lot more expensive than hard disk drives, although prices are gradually coming down.


Despite the cost, solid-state drives are quickly becoming the preferred type of hard drive for certain types of computers because they are very damage proof and smaller than regular hard disk drives. For example, the MacBook Air now comes standard with a solid-state drive using flash memory.



Capacity and performance:

The most important characteristic of a hard drive is how much data it can store, referred to as the storage capacity. A typical internal hard drive for a new desktop computer or laptop has a storage capacity of several hundred gigabytes (GB) up to 1 terabyte (TB). How large is a terabyte? Consider that a typical song in MP3 format is in the order of 5 to 10 MB. You could store approximately 150,000 songs on a 1 TB drive.


The branch of technology that deals with the design, construction, operation, and application of robots.

A Short History of Robots

Robot Timeline:

  • ~270BC an ancient Greek engineer named Ctesibus made organs and water clocks with movable figures.
  • 1818 – Mary Shelley wrote “Frankenstein” which was about a frightening artificial life form created by Dr. Frankenstein.
  • 1921 – The term “robot” was first used in a play called “R.U.R.” or “Rossum’s Universal Robots” by the Czech writer Karel Capek. The plot was simple: man makes robot then robot kills man!
  • 1941 – Science fiction writer Isaac Asimov first used the word “robotics” to describe the technology of robots and predicted the rise of a powerful robot industry.
  • 1942 – Asimov wrote “Runaround”, a story about robots which contained the “Three Laws of Robotics”:
    • A robot may not injure a human, or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.
    • A robot must obey the orders it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.
    • A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict within the First or Second Law.
  • 1948 – “Cybernetics”, an influence on artificial intelligence research was published by Norbert Wiener
  • 1956 – George Devol and Joseph Engel berger formed the world’s first robot company.
  • 1959 – Computer-assisted manufacturing was demonstrated at the Servomechanisms Lab at MIT.
  • 1961 – The first industrial robot was online in a General Motors automobile factory in New Jersey. It was called UNIMATE.
  • 1963 – The first artificial robotic arm to be controlled by a computer was designed. The Rancho Arm was designed as a tool for the handicapped and it’s six joints gave it the flexibility of a human arm.
  • 1965 – DENDRAL was the first expert system or program designed to execute the accumulated knowledge of subject experts.
  • 1968 – The octopus-like Tentacle Arm was developed by Marvin Minsky.
  • 1969 – The Stanford Arm was the first electrically powered, computer-controlled robot arm.
  • 1970 – Shakey was introduced as the first mobile robot controlled by artificial intellence. It was produced by SRI International.
  • 1974 – A robotic arm (the Silver Arm) that performed small-parts assembly using feedback from touch and pressure sensors was designed.
  • 1979 – The Standford Cart crossed a chair-filled room without human assistance. The cart had a tv camera mounted on a rail which took pictures from multiple angles and relayed them to a computer. The computer analyzed the distance between the cart and the obstacles.

Advantages and disadvantages of robotics


  • You can send them to very dangerous places
  • You can make them do you’re job for you
  • They are more accurate than humans Eg no shaking when in a very important surgery, puts every screw in fabricating a car etc.
  • Can do jobs 24/7
  • Can guard without being tired just keep doing the same thing 24/7
  • No need of nutrients
  • You can programme them to make them do exactly what you want them to do
  • They cannot harm you unless they are programmed to
  • Can work without doubts Eg when you think “what do i do now”?
  • They can lift very heavy things


  • You need to get people trained to fix them if anything wrong happens
  • Need a very intelligent crew
  • They can ruin people lives Eg Take their job away from them
  • They are very expensive to make
  • You need the right materials to make them, that could be very rare
  • If you make a very amazing robot with amazing quality and it brakes, it might be very hard to fix
  • They can be very hard to program.
  • They can reproduce but it could cost money for the materials
  • You need highly trained people to make them
  • They cannot recharge themselves


All these facts about robots may interest you………………………..!

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Definition – What does Artificial Intelligence (AI) mean?

Artificial intelligence (AI) is an area of computer science that emphasizes the creation of intelligent machines that work and react like humans. Some of the activities computers with artificial intelligence are designed for include:

  • Speech recognition
  • Learning
  • Planning
  • Problem solving

explains Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Artificial intelligence is a branch of computer science that aims to create intelligent machines. It has become an essential part of the technology industry. Research associated with artificial intelligence is highly technical and specialized. The core problems of artificial intelligence include programming computers for certain traits such as:

  • Knowledge
  • Reasoning
  • Problem solving
  • Perception
  • Learning
  • Planning
  • Ability to manipulate and move objects

ai4 nao-robots-and-artificial-intelligence Knowledge engineering is a core part of AI research. Machines can often act and react like humans only if they have abundant information relating to the world. Artificial intelligence must have access to objects, categories, properties and relations between all of them to implement knowledge engineering. Initiating common sense, reasoning and problem-solving power in machines is a difficult and tedious approach. Machine learning is another core part of AI. Learning without any kind of supervision requires an ability to identify patterns in streams of inputs, whereas learning with adequate supervision involves classification and numerical regressions. Classification determines the category an object belongs to and regression deals with obtaining a set of numerical input or output examples, thereby discovering functions enabling the generation of suitable outputs from respective inputs. Mathematical analysis of machine learning algorithms and their performance is a well-defined branch of theoretical computer science often referred to as computational learning theory. Machine perception deals with the capability to use sensory inputs to deduce the different aspects of the world, while computer vision is the power to analyze visual inputs with few sub-problems such as facial, object and speech recognition. robot Robotics is also a major field related to AI. Robots require intelligence to handle tasks such as object manipulation and navigation, along with sub-problems of localization, motion planning and mapping. 20111105_STP503

What are Printers and its Types?

Printer is the most popular output device used today to produce hard copy output. There are many types of printers which are used by the users as according to their need. These are very useful nowadays as all the things which are uneasy to read on the monitor screen we used to print those things and read carefully. Below we describe the various types of Printers:

Dot-Matrix Printer:

It is a character printer that print one character at a time. This Printer can form characters and all kinds of images as pattern of dots. Since dot matrix printer produce printed output as pattern of dots, they can print any shape of character that a program can describe. They therefore, can print many special characters, different sizes of print, and also have the ability to print graphics such as charts and graphs.

Dot Matrix Printer

Dot Matrix printer are normally haves slow printing speeds ranging from 30-600 characters per second. They are available at very low cost. These types of printers are generally used to print the shipping invoices.

Inkjet Printers:

It prints characters by spraying patterns of ink on the paper from a nozzle or jet that can heated up selectively. The ink comes out of the nozzle in a form of vapors. After passing through a reflecting plate, it forms the desired letter/shape at the desired place. It is also a Character printer but it produces high quality output than dot matrixprinters because these printers form characters with very tiny ink dots.

inkjet printer

Inkjet printers are slower than dot matrix printer as inkjet printing speed is 40- 300 characters per second. Inkjetprinter is also more expensive than dot matrix because it produces the high quality prints with more transformed technology. These printers are very popular because they are less expensive than laser printers and can print faster and accurate than dot matrix and other impact printers.

Drum Printer:

Drum printer is a line printers that print one line at a time. In addition the drum printer is also the impact printer. In this Printer it has a set of  hammers mounted in front of the drum in a manner that an inked ribbon and paper can be placed between the hammers and the drum. Than the drum rotates at a high speed. A character is printed at a desired print position.

Drum Printer

This printer has the speed of 300- 2000 lines per minute. This printer also produces lots of noise that’s why cover is used to reduce the noise.

Chain Band Printer:

Chain/Band printer are line printers that prints one line at a time. It consist of of a metallic chain/band on which all characters of the character set supported by the printer are embossed. A standard  character set may have 48,64 and 96 characters. The characters in the character set are embossed several times on the chain/band.

Chain band printer

Unlike drum printer the chain/band printer can be changed easily. It allows the printing to be done in different fonts and styles in the same printer. Due to the impact printing chain/band printers are noisy in operation and often use a cover to reduce the noise level. Printing speeds of the chain/band printers range from 400 – 3000 lines per minute.

Laser Printers:

Laser printers are the page printers that prints one page at a time. main component of the laser printer are a laser beam source, multi sided mirror, a photoconductive drum, and toner. Laser printers produces high quality output because they form characters by very tiny ink particles. The high end laser printer can have a resolution of 1200 dpi. Due to the high resolution , these printers give excellent graphics art quality.


Laser printers are faster than other printers discussed earlier. Low speed laser printers can print 4 to 12 pages per minute. Owing to their better print quality and printing speed, laser printers are more expensive than the othertypes of the printers. These printers are very popular in the market because of its fast printing.

Types of Memory Chips

memory chip is a small computer device used to store information, data or a program that is run on a computer or other electronic device that runs like a computer, such as a camera or video game console. There are several different types of memory chips, although some are more commonly used than others


  • Dynamic random access memory chips or DRAM chips is a memory cell requiring refreshing because it transits only single lines of memory. A DRAM chip has numerous small capacitors that contain each memory bit. DRAM chips do not hold change and need to be refreshed in order to keep the contents on the chips from being lost. DRAM chips are commonly referred to as volatile memory chips because they lose their memory when power is lost. DRAM chips are used in some computers that are constantly hooked to power supplies.



    • SRAM chips are static random access memory chips. SRAM chips are non-volatile memory chips and do not require refreshing or power to keep memory intact. SRAM chips are most common in portable battery powered devices like laptops, cameras, cell phones and video game consoles



    • FIFO memory chips or First-In First-Out memory chips are used in applications that are used between different devices. The devices work at different speeds, so the FIFO memory chips are necessary to buffer the memory between the two devices. Flash or jump drives that are used to transport memory between different computers and types of computers use FIFO memory chips.



    • EPROM chips are erasable programmable read-only memory. These types of memory chips can be erased when they are exposed to ultraviolet light. When erased, the ERPOM chips can then be reprogrammed to contain a new set of data or reused to house a different program. A variation of this type of memory chip is the EEPROM chip that can be erased electronically rather than with UV light.



      • PROM chips are programmable read-only memory chips that differ from other programmable read-only memory chips because they can only be written to once. PROM chips cannot be erased with UV light or electronically.


      Read more :

The Different Types of Computer Mice

Computer mice some in a number of varieties. You can find a computermouse for just about any use. To figure out what kind of mouse would work best with your PC, you need to know your mouse options:

  • Mechanical mouse: Houses a hard rubber ball that rolls as the mouse is moved. Sensors inside the mouse body detect the movement and translate it into information that the computer interprets.


Optical mouse: Uses an LED sensor to detect tabletop movement and then sends off that information to the computer for merry munching.


Infrared (IR) or radio frequency cordless mouse: With both these types, the mouse relays a signal to a base station wired to the computer’s mouse port. The cordless mouse requires power, which comes in the form of batteries.wireless-mouse-570

A mouse with many buttons: The extra buttons can be programmed to do specific things, such as navigate the Web or turn pages when you’re reading a document. The typical button-ified mouse has about five buttons.


Trackball mouse: Like an upside-down mouse. Rather than roll the mouse around, you use your thumb or index finger to roll a ball on top of the mouse. The whole contraption stays stationary, so it doesn’t need a lot of room, and its cord never gets tangled


  • Stylus mouse: Another mouse mutation enjoyed by the artistic type is the stylus mouse, which looks like a pen and draws on a special pad.


  • Cordless 3-D mouse: This kind of mouse can be pointed at the computerscreen like a TV remote.




The phenomenon of the interaction of electric currents or fields and magnetic fields.

the branch of physics concerned with electromagnetism.


Uses of Electromagnetism in Life


Whatever powered devices we use, from table clocks to microwave ovens, have some form of electromagnetic principle involved in their functioning. It is electromagnetism which has given the flexibility for switching of/on electricity as required.

Electromagnets are created by having an iron core wound with a conductor carrying current. The strength of the electromagnet depends upon the amount of current passing through the conductor. Also the current can be easily stopped and started to form an electromagnet and de-energize respectively as per the need of the work to be performed. This is the principle used for moving heavy objects in the scrap yard. Electricity is connected to the circuit to power the electromagnets when they are energized. Thus the magnets start to attract scrap metal (junk cars), and carry them to the designated area. After locating them in a particular location, the electricity is disconnected from the circuit, thus de-energizing the electromagnet, making the scrap metal detach from the magnet.

Uses in Home Appliances:


Many of our electrical home appliances use electromagnetism as a basic principle of working. If we take an example of an electric fan, the motor works on the principle of electromagnetic induction, which keeps it rotating on and on and thus making the blade hub of the fan to rotate,

blowing air. Not restricting to fan, many other appliances use electromagnetism as a basic principle. Electric door bell works on this principle too. When the door bell button is put on, the coil gets energized, and due to the electromagnetic forces, the bell sounds. The working of an electric bell is discussed in detailed manner in one of our articles. The loudspeaker which we use for public announcements in meetings, or to transmit message over a long distance, is a perfect example for an electromagnetic appliance. The movement of the coil under the electromagnetic force produces sound which is heard over a very long distance.

Tape recorder

An audio tape recordertape deck or tape machine is an audio storage device that records and plays back

appliances use electromagnetism as a basic principle. Electric door bell works on this principle too. When the door bell button is put on, the coil gets energized, and due to the electromagnetic forces, the bell sounds. The working of an electric bell is discussed in detailed manner in one of our articles. The loudspeaker which we use for public announcements in meetings, or to transmit message over a long distance, is a perfect example for an electromagnetic appliance. The movement of the coil under the electromagnetic force produces sound which is heard over a very long distance.

Tape recorder

An audio tape recordertape deck or tape machine is an audio storage device that records and plays back sounds, including articulated voices, usually using magnetic tape, either wound on a reel or in acassette, for storage. In its present day form, it records a fluctuating signal by moving the tape across a tape head that polarizes the magnetic domains in the tape in proportion to the audio signal. Tape-recording devices include reel-to-reel tape deck and the cassette deck.

The use of magnetic tape for sound recording originated around 1930. Magnetizable tape revolutionized both the radio broadcast and music recording industries. It gave artists and producers the power to record and re-record audio with minimal loss in quality as well as edit and rearrange recordings with ease. The alternative recording technologies of the era, transcription discs and wire recorders, could not provide anywhere near this level of quality and functionality. Since some early refinements improved the fidelity of the reproduced sound, magnetic tape has been the highest quality analog sound recording medium available. However, as of the first decade of the 21st century, analog magnetic tape is largely being replaced by digital recording technologies for most sound recording purposes.

Prior to the development of magnetic tape, magnetic wire recorders had successfully demonstrated the concept of magnetic recording, but they never offered audio quality comparable to the other recording and broadcast standards of the time. Some individuals and organizations developed innovative uses for magnetic wire recorders while others investigated variations of the technology. One particularly important variation was the application of an oxide powder to a long strip of paper. This German invention was the start of a long string of innovations that have led to present day magnetic tape recordings.


Uses of sensors in Robotics

The sensors are one of the useful technologies, which play a vital role in the robotics field. There are four important categories where uses of sensors are highly required in robotics such as:

  • Safety monitoring
  • Interlocking in work cell control
  • Quality control in work part inspection
  • Data collection of objects in the robot work cell

Safety monitoring:

The sensors are extremely used in industrial robotics for monitoring the hazardous and safety conditions in the robot cell layout. This certainly helps in avoiding the physical injuries and other damages caused to the human workers.

Interlocking in work cell control:

In robot work cell, the series of activities of different equipments are controlled by using interlocks. Here, sensors are employed for verifying the conclusion of the current work cycle before progressing to the next cycle.

Quality control in work part inspection:

In olden days, the quality control was performed with a manual inspection system. Nowadays, sensors are employed in the inspection process for determining the quality features of a work part automatically. A major


The sensors are extremely used in industrial robotics for monitoring the hazardous and safety conditions in the robot cell layout. This certainly helps in avoiding the physical injuries and other damages caused to the human workers.

Interlocking in work cell control:

In robot work cell, the series of activities of different equipments are controlled by using interlocks. Here, sensors are employed for verifying the conclusion of the current work cycle before progressing to the next cycle.

Quality control in work part inspection:

In olden days, the quality control was performed with a manual inspection system. Nowadays, sensors are employed in the inspection process for determining the quality features of a work part automatically. A major advantage of using sensors in this category provides high accurate results. One disadvantage in this automatic inspection is that the sensors are only able to examine a limited variety of work part features and faults.

Data collection of objects in the robot work cell:

Sensors are used in this category to determine the position or other related data about the fixtures, work parts, equipment, human workers, and so on. Apart from sensing the position, it is also implemented to find out the other information like work part’s color, orientation, size, shape, etc. The key reasons for determining the above information while executing a robot program includes:

  • Recognition of work parts
  • Random position and orientation of work parts
  • Improved accuracy of robot position using the feedback data



How do speakers work?

Speakers come in all shapes and sizes, enabling you to listen to music on your iPod, enjoy a film at the cinema or hear a friend’s voice over the phone.

In order to translate an electrical signal into an audible sound, speakers contain an electromagnet: a metal coil which creates a magnetic field when an electric current flows through it. This coil behaves much like a normal (permanent) magnet, with one particularly handy property: reversing the direction of the current in the coil flips the poles of the magnet.

Inside a speaker, an electromagnet is placed in front of a permanent magnet. The permanent magnet is fixed firmly into position whereas the electromagnet is mobile. As pulses of electricity pass through the coil of the electromagnet, the direction of its magnetic field is rapidly changed. This means that it is in turn attracted to and repelled from the permanent magnet, vibrating back and forth.The electromagnet is attached to a cone made of a flexible material such as paper or plastic which amplifies these vibrations, pumping sound waves into the surrounding air and towards your ears.


How cellphones work

the surrounding air and towards your ears.

How cellphones work


Walking and talking, working on the train, always in contact, never out of touch—cellphones have dramatically changed the way we live and work. No one knows exactly how many little plastic handsets there are in the world, but the best guess is over 4.6 billion. That’s around two thirds of the planet’s population! In developing countries, where large-scale land line networks (ordinary telephones wired to the wall) are few and far between, over 90 percent of the phones in use are cellphones. Cellphones (also known as cellular phones and, chiefly in Europe, as mobile phones or mobiles) are radio telephones that route their calls through a network of masts linked to the main public telephone network. Here’s how they work.

Photo: A typical Nokia cellular phone. Back in the 1990s, cellphones like this were merely used for making voice calls. Now networks are faster and capable of handling greater volumes of traffic, cellphones are increasingly used as portable communication centers, capable of doing all the things you can do with a telephone, digital camera, MP3 player, and laptop computer.


How Hard Disks Work


Nearly every desktop computer and server in use today contains one or more hard-disk drives. Everymainframe and supercomputer is normally connected to hundreds of them. You can even find VCR-type devices and camcorders that use hard disks instead of tape. These billions of hard disks do one thing well — they store changing digital information in a relatively permanent form. They give computers the ability to remember things when the power goes out.

In this article, we’ll take apart a hard disk so that you can see what’s inside, and also discuss how they organize the gigabytes of information they hold in files!


Output device

An output device is any piece of computer hardware equipment used to communicate the results of data processing carried out by an information processing system (such as acomputer) which converts the electronically generated information into human-readable form.

Display devices

A display device is an output device that visually conveys text, graphics, and video information. Information shown on a display device is called soft copy because the information exists electronically and is displayed for a temporary period of time. Display devices include CRT monitors, LCD monitors and displays, gas plasma monitors, and televisions.[3]


Inputs are the signals or data received by the system, and outputs are the signals or data sent from it.

There are many input and output devices such as multifunction printers and computer-based navigation systems that are used for specialised or unique applications.[1] In computing, input/output refers to the communication between an information processing system(such as a computer), and the outside world. Inputs are the signals or data received by the system, and outputs are the signals or data sent from it.


Types of output

Some types of output are text, graphics, tactile,[4] audio, and video. Text consists of characters (letters, numbers, punctuation marks, or any other symbol requiring one byte of computer storage space) that are used to create words, sentences, and paragraphs. Graphics are digital representations of nontext information such as drawings, charts, photographs, and animation (a series of still images in rapid sequence that gives the illusion of motion). Tactile output such as raised line drawings may be useful for some individuals who are blind. Audio is music, speech, or any other sound. Video consists of images played back at speeds to provide the appearance of full motion.[3]

Graphics (Visual)


Graphical output displayed on ascreen.

A digital image is a numeric representation of an image stored on a computer. They don’t have any physical size until they are displayed on a screen or printed on paper. Until that point, they are just a collection of numbers on the computer’s hard drive that describe the individual elements of a picture and how they are arranged.[5] Some computers come with built-in graphics capability. Others need a device, called a graphics card or graphics adapter board, that has to be added.[6] Unless a computer has graphics capability built into the motherboard, that translation takes place on the graphics card.[7] Depending on whether the image resolution is fixed, it may be of vectoror raster type. Without qualifications, the term “digital image” usually refers to raster images also called bitmap images. Raster images that are composed of pixels and is suited for photo-realistic images. Vector images which are composed of lines and co-ordinates rather than dots and is more suited to line art, graphs or fonts.[5] To make a 3-D image, the graphics card first creates a wire frame out of straight lines. Then, it rasterizes the image (fills in the remaining pixels). It also adds lighting, texture and color.[7]


Haptic technology, or haptics, is a tactile feedback technology which takes advantage of the sense of touch by applying forces, vibrations, or motions to the user.[8] Severalprinters and wax jet printers have the capability of producing raised line drawings. There are also handheld devices that use an array of vibrating pins to present a tactile outline of the characters or text under the viewing window of the device.[4]


Speech output systems can be used to read screen text to computer users. Special software programs called screen readers attempt to identify and interpret what is being displayed on the screen[9] and speech synthesizers convert data to vocalized sounds or text.[6]


These examples of output devices also include input/output devices.[10][11] Printers and visual displays are the most common type of output device for interfacing to people, but voice is becoming increasingly available.[12]

10 Steps to Creating a WordPress Blog

1.)  Layout: Draw up a layout of how you would like your site to look. Brainstorm the major categories you are going to cover. Research other blogs that you enjoy reading to help you get a feel for how you want your site to look. One big decision is whether you want to have more than one navigation bar.


  • Tim Ferriss’s site Four Hour Blog covers a wide array of topics, way too many to fit across his primary navigation bar. He uses his primary navbar to cover the basics and then a site wide sidebar to cover the topics he frequently writes about.

  •  This navigation bar was taken from a successful affiliate site. They are using their targeted keywords across the navigation bar to maximize the link juice passed across each page. From an SEO perspective, their can be a benefit to limiting the links you have on your navigation bar and each page in general. This sites news section uses a sidebar but it is not used site wide.

2.) Choose a theme:  Many themes are available for free and some great ones are out there for purchase. If I had one piece of advice for choosing a theme it would be to keep it clean. You don’t need a million widgets, images or menu bars on your pages. If you are providing educational or entertaining information that is what the readers will be there for. If you are researching other WordPress blogs while planning your design then at the bottom you can often see what theme they are using.

  • If you just want to use one of the many free ones available then in your WordPress dashboard go: Appearance —> Themes —> Install Themes —> Search

Search for your WordPress theme

3.) Get a Logo/Header: One of the things I love the most about WordPress is outside of a theme, a logo is the only thing you have to spend extra time or money on. Unless you are great with photoshop, I recommend hiring someone from ELance or a forum to design a logo for you. I know I have gotten really nicelogos for as little as $20.00. Make sure you get the pixel specifications from your theme correct and that the logo will mesh with your sites theme and color scheme. Also tell your designer that you want at least one edit as part of the agreement.

4.) Set your permalinks structure: I’ve seen some debate on what the best permalink structure is but you definitely don’t want to leave it on the default. Below is my recommendation but feel free to do some more research.

  • In your dashboard go to Settings->PermalinksChange the URL to a custom structure, and use /%category/%postname%/ as this will allow for SEO friendly URLs like as opposed to:
  • Change the Category Base to ./ then click save.  Once you do that, only the . will remain there.  If you leave it as is, your SEO category URL will be when you want it to be

5.) Create your primary pages: Now that you’ve set your permalinks it’s time to decide on what will be included in your primary navigation bar and any site wide sidebars. This is a good time to breakout the Google keyword tool and run through some searches on what topics you will be covering the most. Test your assumptions and try to come up with at least five primary keywords for each category. Create these pages (even if you don’t have all your content ready) and organize your navigation bar. On your blog you might want a secondary navigation bar that expands on the topics you will write posts on.

I always recommend creating the following pages which are considered fundamental on a legal and ethical level:

  • Privacy Policy: A privacy policy is where you disclose if you have cookies on your site, what your doing with e-mail you collect and more. Here is a free template but I recommend doing more research specific to your site.
  • Terms & Conditions: This describes how users are allowed to use your website. These vary based on what you include on your site (software, free downloads, etc.) so research what other people in your industry, topic are using.
  • About/Contact: It builds user trust to know who runs the site and if they have a way to get in touch with them. This doesn’t need to be long just a short bio and an e-mail or contact form will suffice.
  • Disclosure: The FTC requires bloggers to disclose if they are getting paid or compensated in anyway for the content on their blog. Many use a disclosure page to go over what content is and is not sponsored or affiliate related.

6.) Set your home page: The WordPress default is to show your latest posts on the front page. If you’d like to have any kind of landing page for home and a blog section than do the following.

Set your WordPress homepage

  • Settings – > Reading: Choose a static page then select your desired home page from the drop down menu. Right below it you can select the page where you would like your blog posts to show up.

7.) Set your navigation menus and widgets: Now that you’ve created your pages you need them to show up on the page where you want. This is very specific to the theme you choose so I don’t want to show visuals that could end up being contradictory. That being said, the general steps are:

  • Dashboard —> Appearance —> Menus – From there you can add pages to your top navigation bar and put them in the order you want.
  • Dashboard —> Appearance —> Widgets – This is generally where you would build your sidebars. You can have more than one sidebar on a page and you can customize what pages they will show up on. As I mentioned previously many sites only have a side bar on their blog page.

8.) Plugin’s: WordPress has a huge variety of  plugins available to help you improve site functionality, SEO, collect e-mails and thousands of other things. The plugins I am recommending here are all free and can be found by going to Plugins —> Add New and searching for the name.

Find your optimal plugins

  • XML Sitemap Generator – Generates an XML Sitemap for better indexing of your site by the SERPS. This also makes it much easier to get your site setup in webmaster tools (Don’t even consider not using this one)
  • SEO Ultimate – Another plug-in you shouldn’t go without even if your theme has solid SEO capabilities. This is the best all around SEO tool for WordPress and its free. You can do everything from changing multiple title tags to editing your meta tag descriptions and adding pages to your robot.txt file.
  • W3 Total Cache and W3 Super Cache – These can majorly improve your sites loading speed and greatly lower the risk of your site crashing from too much traffic.
  • Broken Link Checker – Will notify you of broken links on your site.
  • Permalink Trailing Slash Fixer – If you used my recommended permalinks structure this will add a trailing slash in the URLs if its missing.

9.) Google Analytics: For those that don’t know, Google Analytics (or any other analytics service you might use) allows you to see how many visitors come to your site, what pages they visit, how long they stay and much much more. You may want to do add your analytics code earlier in the process but if you have a theme or plugin that can post your analytics code site wide then it’s fine to wait until the rest of your site structure is setup. To register your site go to Google Analytics and they will walk you through the process.

10.) Webmaster Tools: Submit your site to Google and Bing Webmaster tools (which now covers Yahoo). They have solid instructions in both Bing and Google so I won’t explain this step by step. Depending on the XML sitemap plugin you choose the instructions will also vary slightly. My only other point would be to do this as soon as your site structure is setup if you want the SERP’s to start indexing your pages. I once forgot to do this for two months and couldn’t figure out why a lot of my pages and links weren’t showing up. The data you get from using these tools is also crucial.

Now you have your site setup. It’s getting crawled by the search engines and feeding you data. The hard part comes next, you’ve gotta start posting! Blogging can be very competitive but if you have something interesting to say and you stick with it then good things will happen.